20 million trees program - your input
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The Federal Government is seeking information from the market on how large scale biodiverse native treeplantings could be implemented in a way that best utilises industry expertise, knowledge and capacity to achieve environmental outcomes, engagement with the community and carbon abatement.
The closing date has been extended to 31 July 2014.
Further detail is in the attached pdf or can be found at www.environment.gov.au/land/20-million-trees
Interested organisations are invited to provide information in response to the following areas.
- Supply Issues
- Availability of suitable land
- Applicable industry standards
- Capacity for industry to deliver treeplanting Australia wide
- Optimising environmental and carbon abatement outcomes
- Identifying and managing other significant issues that may influence delivery
- Cost effective delivery considerations having regard to the above points.
Landcare groups and Networks are encouraged to submit directly or provide information to Landcare NSW via their regional representatives, to be included in a submission from Landcare NSW.
Murrumbidgee Landcare's representatives to Landcare NSW are:
Glenys Patulny - glenys.p@grapevine.net.au
Ted Wolfe - twolfe@csu.edu.au
Rob Dulhunty
Chair Landcare NSW