Taylors Creek Landcare Group meeting
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16 Feb 2015 - 7:30pm
Where: 'Nardoo' 322 Taylors Creek Rd, Tarago
Ruth reports that the plant propagation is going very well with up to 1000 plants ranging from eucalypts and some wattles to understorey plants, growing for autumn planting. If anyone has wattle seeds available could you please contact Ruth on 4849 4543.
The nursery group meets on Tuesdays each week from 10.00am –12.00 noon at Gilead on Taylors Creek Road. We would welcome anyone who wishes to join in our plant growing activities.
As always, visitors are most welcome at any of our meetings which are held on the third Monday of each month.
For further details or enquiries please contact Ruth on 48494543.