National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants
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11 Jan 2019 - 11:30pm
"Smart Farms Small Grants" is a $55 million competitive small grants program over several rounds to support the adoption of best practices that improves the management and quality of our natural resources and increases on-farm productivity.
Small Grants will help individuals and organisations across a wide range of food and fibre businesses and across Australia to do better at managing our natural resources, to the benefit of the landscape, community and economy.
Projects may be delivered locally, regionally and multi-regionally. The purpose will be achieved through local, on-ground, projects funded by grants that contribute to achieving at least one of the two outcomes described below. Projects may contribute to achieving one or both of the outcomes, however, funding of more than $50 000 will not be available for projects that contribute to achieving only Outcome 2:
- Outcome 1 – Doing and fostering sustainable natural resource management best practice
- Outcome 2 – Capacity building for sustainable natural resource management
Projects will fall into one of four categories, based on their value and the outcomes they are focussed on achieving:
- Tier 1 projects are for grants of between $5 000 and $50 000 for Outcome 1 only, or for both Outcomes 1 and 2
- Tier 2 projects are for grants of between $5 000 and $50 000 for Outcome 2 only
- Tier 3 projects are for grants worth between $50 001 and $100 000
- Tier 4 projects are for grants worth between $100 001 and $200 000.
Full details on eligibility, the application process and other requirements is available on the website: