Consultation - National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Freshwater Biodiversity
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The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) is leading the Australian research community in a national interdisciplinary effort to generate the information needed by decision-makers in government and in vulnerable sectors and communities to manage the risks of climate change impacts.
As part of that process, NCCARF is preparing a number of National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plans to guide and coordinate national climate change adaptation research. These research plans identify critical gaps in the information that is required by governments, industry, and the community to address adaptation responses to climate change and set research priorities based on these gaps. Each is developed by an expert writing team.
NCCARF invites you to comment on the draft National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Freshwater Biodiversity.
» Draft National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan: Freshwater Biodiversity
NCCARF should receive comments by Monday 1 November 2010.