2011 Conservation Agriculture Field Day
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24 Feb 2011 - 8:30am
2011 Conservation Agriculture Field Day will be held at Lockhart Showgrounds, starting at 8.30am for a 9.00am start. The active demonstrations will run until 1pm.
- More than 55 commercial exhibitors with equipment
- Active & static displays demonstration equipment and technology, including modifications
- LAND Newspaper sponsored Farmer Modified Machine Award announcement
Admission is $15 for general public. Students are free and entry is $5 for members of CANFA, Riverine Plains Inc., Lockhart & District Ag Bureau, Farmlink Research and Central West Farming Systems.
» Flyer
» Media release
Anyone interested in catching a bus to the event should contact Neville Gould at CANFA on (02) 6845 1044 or 0427 452 488 or canfa@bigpond.com. DAFF Community Action Grant funding has been made available to sponsor bus trips.