Managing Horses on Small Properties
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This is the third of three field days being run by the Molonglo and Ginninderra Catchment Groups with Jane Myers on Managing Horses on Small Properties as a follow-up from our very popular seminars with Jane earlier in the year. The days are being run with the assistance of the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country and ActewAGL.
The field days are:
- Murrumbateman – Saturday 6th November 2010, 9am to 3:30pm. Meet at the Murrumbateman Country Inn, Barton Highway, Murrumbateman at 8:45am for a 9am start. This session is catered.
- Bungendore - Sunday 7th November 2010, 9am to 3:30pm. Meet at the Bungendore Community Centre, 10 Majara Street, Bungendore at 8:45am for a 9am start.
- Burra - Saturday 27th November 2010, 9am to 3:30pm. Meet at the Burra Hall, on the Burra Road, approximately 11.6 km from the Old Cooma Road junction at 8:45am for a 9am start.
The morning session (9am till 11am) will be a presentation of horse properties Jane has worked with, and will include good and bad examples to provide participants with some firm ideas about how to design their own properties. A copy of Jane’s new booklet on planning your horse property will be provided.
From 11am to 12pm Jane will take a look at the property layouts brought in by participants and provide some advice on how best to set them up, so don’t forget to bring in a printed aerial photo of your property or a digital copy on a USB stick.
After a quick break for lunch - remember to pack your lunch for Burra and Bungendore as the days are not catered - we will be heading out to two local properties to discuss Jane’s property planning principles. This will consist of a walk-and-talk, drawing on key points from the morning session. Local weed and pasture management expert Alison Elvin will be on hand for this session to field questions about our local weeds and pasture issues.
Please bring:
- Aerial photo of your property (e.g. from Google Earth), either a hard copy or a digital copy on a USB stick,
- A pen and paper for the morning session. For the Burra and Bungendore sessions bring your own lunch and snacks as the event is not catered.
- A hat, sunscreen, water and sturdy shoes and wet weather gear just in case for the afternoon session.
Places are limited; please book a place for Burra or Bungendore by contacting the Molonglo Catchment Coordinator at or 6299 2119, to book for Murrumbateman contact the Ginninderra Catchment Coordinator at or call 6278 3309.