Stubble management workshop - Harden
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Bill Crabtree
Venue:HARDEN COUNTRY CLUB – Monday 14 March, 2011 8.30am – 12 noon
Conservation Agriculture and No-till Farming Association (CANFA), is hosting Australia’s 2010 McKell medallist, ‘No-Till’ Bill Crabtree, to present Stubble Management workshops in Harden. The McKell Medal is arguably Australia’s most prestigious award to recognise outstanding achievements in shaping community attitudes and practices in natural resource management.
Known as "No-Till Bill" for his enthusiasm for no-tillage and the role he played in the Western Australian no-tillage revolution, Bill began his career with the WA Dept of Ag as a researcher into "Minimum tillage for wind erodable soils" in his home erosion-swept town of Jerramungup. Now Jerramungup is a leader in the adoption of no-till cropping systems. He then extended this work to farmers in Esperance and beyond which led to him receiving the "WA Landcarer of the Year Award" 1996.
Bill’s career includes Minimum Tillage Research Officer WA Dept of Ag from 1985 to 1987, WA Dept of Ag Farm Systems Development Officer 1988 to 1996, and Scientific Officer - WA No-Till Farming Assoc 1997 to 2002. Bill spent a year in Canada in 1996, learning how they do no-tillage. While there he co-edited their book Advancing the Art of Zero Tillage which is on the ManDak website.
Bill is now a consultant specializing in no-tillage technologies based in Cannington WA. His home state now boasts a 90% adoption of no-tillage and no-tillage has dramatically improved WA's production, especially in the recent droughts. Bill received the prestigious GRDC's Western Panel ‘Seed of Light Award’ in 2006 for excellence in communication for his role in extending information on no-tillage and biotechnology.
Presentation will cover:
- The value and challenge of thick stubbles
- Keeping all stubble – risks and rewards
- Reducing stubble loads with machinery
- When is burning an option
Followed by a Question and Answer session for participants including:
- standing stubble – options for managing it
- bog marks in paddocks
- the impact of burning all stubble
- how many times can you grow cereal on cereal
- weed control strategies
and much more …
Further information & bookings please call
Louise Hufton, MCMA, Natural Resource Officer 63863954
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