Schools Tree Day
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Now entering its 16th year, Planet Ark’s National Tree Day is firmly cemented as one of the nation’s largest community environmental events. National Tree Day provides an avenue for communities and groups to showcase the work that they do, help foster a community understanding of the needs of the local environment and to engage them in the care and protection of these surroundings. This year National Tree Day will be held on Sunday July 31st and Schools Tree Day on Friday July 29th – however you may register a site or activity on any day that suits you.
National Tree Day is not just about tree planting, you can register a number of other activities such as follow-up maintenance at a previous planting site, bush regeneration, seed collecting or any activity that would help meet environmental outcomes in your area.
What are the benefits of being involved?
By registering a National Tree Day site you can engage your local community in an active and enjoyable way. National Tree Day can benefit your group through:
- The opportunity to showcase your work to the community
- Strengthening the engagement of your team and the community through being part of a high-profile national event
- Recruitment of new volunteers for your projects via our publicity program
- Environmental repair – recruiting additional helpers for an intensive session
What types of activities are included?
- Site Coordinators have found activities such as guided walks, gardening workshops, kids activities or mulch give-aways to be successful for Tree Day - either in addition to or instead of tree planting or maintenance activities.
- Check out our Activities Guide for these ideas and more. The Getting Started Guide is also attached, for a step-by-step guide to hosting a Tree
Day activity.
What other Site Coordinators have said about National Tree Day
“Our organisation runs a community based beach care program. The National Tree Day program was an excellent way to not only promote the importance of
planting vegetation but also the importance of plants in a coastal environment. It was a way of promoting the program and getting people involved in their local environment.”
“Over the years I have seen a growth in the involvement of volunteers and the satisfaction gained is something to be proud of, both at a personal and corporate level.”
How to get involved
To register a National Tree Day activity or find out more about National Tree Day visit our website at or call the Hotline on 1300 88 5000
All public sites are listed on our website for volunteers to find.
» Planet Ark Environmental Foundation