Next Gen Farmers grants
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28 Mar 2011 - 5:00pm
Next Gen Farmers grants offer support to stage events that improve the leadership and representative capacity of young people entering or involved in primary industries, particularly in the context of the challenges and opportunities in these industries as a result of a changing climate.
Grants of up to $50,000 (GST exclusive) are available.
The department is now seeking grant applications for eligible projects for young people. The Next Gen Farmers grant supports activities that:
- Build and share knowledge and experience
- Increase access to planning tools and resources
- Develop leadership and management skills
- Develop pathways to increase participation in primary industries
- Develop skills to contribute more effectively to government and industry decision making
- Build networks among rural, regional and remote Australians.
These activities could be conducted via workshops, seminars, conferences of industry events or through other innovative mechanisms.