Field day - Erosion control in a sensitive environment
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31 Jul 2011 - 9:15am
The Natural Sequence Association, Upper Murrumbidgee Chapter, invites you to a field day on erosion control in a sensitive environment.
Sunday 31 July 2011, Barney's Gully - Point Hut.
Topics to be covered on the day include:
- Observing your land for challenges and opportunities
- Discussion of potential remedies to observed challenges
- Low risk / low cost / low maintenance techniques to reduce erosion, rehydrate flood plains, and improve water quality, fertility and biodiversity.
Meet at 9.15 am at Point Hut crossing car park, on the Canberra side of the Murrumbidgee River crossing, for the walk to Barney's Gully.
Bring: Picnic lunch, good walking shoes, rain coat, warm jumper, hat, and bottle of water.
Cost: Free (you can join on the day)
RSVP: By 29 July 2011
Contact: Tanya Hobbs (Secretary, Upper Murrumbidgee Chapter Natural Sequence Association) - 6243 1029
See attached flyer for more details.