Fast tracking the next generation of regional change professionals
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The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, under Australia's Farming Future, is offering a bursary for up to 10 young extension professionals from regional Australia to attend the 2011 APEN National Forum, and participate in the 2012 APEN Mentoring Program.
The program is targeting professionals in the 18-30 year age group, who can demonstrate that their involvement in the project will produce benefits for themselves, their communities and the industries in which they work,
Participants will be awarded a bursary that includes:
- Full APEN 2011 National Forum registration
- Three nights accommodation during the Forum
- Up to $800 to assist with travel costs associated with the Forum
- 1 year APEN membership
- A place in the highly regarded 2012 APEN Mentoring Program
Applications must be submitted to APEN by 22 August 2011.
The 2011 APEN National Forum will take place at the University of New England, Armidale, on 28-30 November 2011.
More information:
- Rosemary Currie, APEN Secretariat: 60 245 349, or
- 2011 APEN National Forum:
- APEN Mentoring Program: