"It's ewe time" Forum - Cooma
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The Making More From Sheep 'It's ewe time' forum will present a challenging and informative program which will stimulate discussion and encourage all Australian wool, sheep and lamb producers and associated businesses to support and strengthen this growing industry.
The forum will be held at the Cooma Ex-Services Club on Thursday July 28, from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.
The forum will address a combination of market opportunity, supply constraints, and productivity messages based around:
- Wool, lamb and sheepmeat market overviews and opportunities
- Knowing your business performance through cost of production
- Profit and productivity drivers, including health, reproduction, stocking rates and genetics
- Managing the feedbase and environment in a sustainable way
- Enhancing health attributes of lamb and sheepmeat for greater consumer satisfaction
Seating is limited, and bookings are essential. To reserve your seat, call 1800 675 717. Cost is $20, payable at the door.
More information is available at the website: www.makingmorefromsheep.com.au/AnnouncementRetrieve.aspx?ID=40536