NSW Landcare Awards - People's Choice Award
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5 Aug 2011 - 5:00pm
You can have your say in the 2011 NSW Landcare Awards by voting for the People's Choice Award.
Vote by visiting the website (www.landcareonline.com.au/?page_id=4880), and selecting the nomination you believe represents the most outstanding contribution to Landcare this year.
Voting closes August 5, 2011. You can only vote once for this Award.
Our local Murrumbidgee region nominees for the People's Choice Award are (in alphabetical order):
- Billa Bunyips (Indigenous Award)
- Danny Flannery (Primary Producer Award)
- George Gundry (Individual Landcarer Award)
- Kosciuszko to Coast (Natural Resource Management Award)
- Lynton Bond (Individual Landcarer Award)
- Numeralla Landcare Group (Community Group Award)
- Palerang Shire Council (Local Government Landcare Partnership Award)
More information on all nominations is available at the Landcare Australia website - www.landcareonline.com.au/?page_id=4880