Expressions of interest invited for Murrumbidgee CMA Incentives Program
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The Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is inviting Expressions of Interest from landholders for their Climate Change Corridors and Conservation Farming programs. Expressions of Interest close on Wednesday August 31, 2011.
Under the Climate Change Corridors program, incentives are offered for projects that protect and enhance existing remnant native vegetation and wetlands, and for the establishment of vegetation corridords.
Under the Conservation Farming program, the CMA will support training and planning, as well as providing a range of incentives to assist farmers to implement the most appropriate management practices on their land.
These programs are both offered only to individuals; the Community Partnerships Program will be launched on August 4, 2011.
Further details, including information sheets and guidelines, are available from the Murrumbidgee CMA:
- Website:
- Email:
- Phone: 69 323 232