Use of hard-seeded annual pasture legumes - Wagga
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A technical update for farmers and advisors is being held on the topic of "Hard-seeded annual pasture legumes, and how to use them in pasture-crop rotations".
In recent years, a wide range of new hard-seeded annual pasture legumes have been developed for use in Australian agriculture. Recent research by NSW DPI has shown that these legumes are capable of high levels of production - even under very tough growing conditions.
Speakers will include:
- Dr Belinda Hackney (NSW DPI) - Update on the use and performance of new annual pasture legumes in NSW
- Dr Angelo Loi (DAFWA) - Latest findings of his research, including the development of many of the legume species
- Neil Ballard (Ballard Seeds, WA) - Information on growth and management of the new annual pasture legumes
The update will be held on Friday 7 October, from 8.30 to 11.00 am, at the Wagga Agricultural Institute Conference Room. Morning tea will be provided.
For further information, and to RSVP, contact Nigel Phillips (NSW DPI Agronomist, Wagga):
Phone: 69 381 981