Spring Flower Walk - Burra
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It's time again for the Royalla Landcare Spring Flower Walk! This year, the Royalla Landcare Group has combined with Burra Landcare and Friends of Grasslands to check out some great sites in the region.
Draft Program
9.00 am: Meet at Burra Park
9.15 - 11.15: Check out the endangered Grassy Box Woodland remnant on the Burra Reserves and TSR (Travelling Stock Routes). Identify the endangered and rare plants of the Reserves, including Hoary Sunray, Purple and Silk Peas and Royalla Daisy. A plant list will be available.
11.15 - 11.30: Morning tea at Burra Park
11.30 - 12.30: Drive via Old Cooma Road to Royalla Reserve, just over the railway line, and walk the Reserve with members of the Royalla Landcare Group. (Car pool where possible)
12.30 - 1.30: Lunch and toilet break at 'Yurt', and a look around Devil's Corner
1.30 - 3.30 pm: Drive to the railway easement south of Royalla, and take a 3 km walk to look for Purple Pea and other interesting native plants on the easement in this native temperate grassland.
Everyone is welcome to join in for some or all of the day. Bring along your morning tea and lunch.
Please RSVP to Maryke Booth, Royalla Landcare: