2012 Grassland Society of NSW Conference: Your opportunity to contribute!
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The 2012 Grasslands Society of NSW Annual Conference will be held in Wagga Wagga in July 2012. Nathan Ferguson (NSW DPI and Riverina Highlands Landcare Network) is convening the Conference, and is currently calling for your input.
This is your chance to nominate topics or speakers of interest, or suggest areas for the bus tours. Nathan has compiled a list of suggestions put forward by the conference organising committee (see attachment, below).
Please have a look at the list, and rank the topics that you would be interested in hearing about. There is also room for you to add any additional suggestions or ideas you may have. Send your rankings and ideas to Nathan Ferguson by 3 November 2011.
If you would like any further information, please contact:
- Nathan Ferguson: nathan.ferguson@industry.nsw.gov.au
- Nicole Maher: nmaher@murrumbidgeelandcare.asn.au