The Mulloon Institute Land Restoration Day - Bungendore
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5 Nov 2011 - 9:30am
The Mulloon Creek Natural Sequence Farming demonstration site was set up over 5 years ago, and there have been some amazing changes over that time. On Saturday 5th November, Peter Andrews will be at the farm to talk about the repair work undertaken, the results that have been achieved, and the other landscape management techniques being applied.
The event includes a 2 hour creek walk, plus presentations including:
- Tony Coote (Founder, The Mulloon Institute) - MCNF long-term landscape vision
- Dr John Field (ANU) - Presenting the research facts
- Dr Michael Wilson (Murray Darling Basin Authority) - The story about willows
- Prof John Crawford (Chair of Sustainable Agriculture, University of Sydney)
- Cam Wilson - MCNF whole of landscape design, incorporating NSF principles
Bookings are essential! Contact:
- Donna -, or 0413 535 957
- The Mulloon Institute website -
Cost is $50 per person, or $90 per family (2 adults plus up to 2 kids under 12). Price includes morning/afternoon tea, and lunch. All proceeds go to The Mulloon Institute.