African Lovegrass workshop - Kambah
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18 Nov 2011 - 9:00am
A number of groups in the ACT have come together to offer a free workshop on African Lovegrass, designed specially for Landcarers and Parkcarers. African Lovegrass (ALG) is an extremely invasive grass weed, which poses a major threat to the biodiversity of our native grasslands and woodlands.
The venue is Westwood Farm - 244 Kambah Pool Road, Kambah.
The workshop will include the following presentations:
- Steve Welch (Southern ACT Catchment Group Coordinator): The extent of the problem, and insights into how individuals can contribute to stopping the spread of ALG
- Sarah Sharp (Ecologist): The biology and ecology of ALG, and its identification - including identification of native species often mistaken for ALG
- Steve Taylor (Senior Weed Management Officer, ACT Parks & Conservation): The latest developments in ALG control being applied in parks and reserves
- ACT Government City Services: Roadside mowing, and the strategies in place for preventing ALG spread
The workshop is free, and includes morning tea and lunch (lunch will follow the conclusion of the workshop, at 12.30 pm).
Please RSVP for catering purposes by 16th November to Sally McIntosh:
- Email -
- Ph - 62 052 913
If you have any dietary needs, please mention these to Sally when you RSVP.