RASF Community Futures Grants
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15 Jan 2012 - 5:00pm
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Foundation is offering young people in NSW the opportunity to secure up to $25,000 in funding for a community project in their local area. All you have to do is:
- Identify a need in your local community which could be addressed with funding of up to $25,000, and
- Partner with a community organisation to create a plan for implementing a project to address this need.
To be eligible to apply, you must:
- Be aged 35 years or younger on 1 May 2012
- Be passionate about rural and regional issues
- Live in the rural NSW community your project idea is for.
For further information, and to apply, contact the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Foundation:
- Website: http://rasf.smartygrants.com.au/CommunityFutures2012
- Email: foundation@rasf.org.au
- Phone: (02) 97 041 234