MDBA Basin Plan Public Meetings - Griffith and Deniliquin
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15 Dec 2011 - 9:00am
The Murray Darling Basin Authority will be hosting public meetings to discuss the newly released draft Basin Plan.
Griffith Thursday 15 December Yoogali Catholic Club, Griffith, NSW 9:00am-12:00pm |
Deniliquin Friday 16 December Deniliquin Racecourse, Racecourse Rd, Deniliquin, NSW 8:30am-11:30am |
Cost: Free - no booking required
Have Your Say: Come along to discuss the draft Plan with the people working to improve it for all stakeholders.
For more information please click here.
If you are unable to attend one of these meetings but would like to read or submit an opinion please click here.
Copies of the draft Basin Plan can be downloaded from here.