Small Farm course - Southern Tablelands
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The Mulloon Institute is holding a 4-day "Small Farm Land Planning" course to give small landholdes the tools to create a diverse, productive, re-hydrated and ecologically enhanced landscape. The course will be held across four very successful properties, where you can see and learn the design science that will integrate and enhance both production and ecology for your land and your goals.
The course will run from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on the weekends of 10-11 March and 17-18 March. The venues will be four farms located in Braidwood, Gunning and Bungendore.
The course will teach participants how to:
- Plan for and manage a rotational grazing system to enhance soil and pasture quality and animal health
- Design shelterbelts for protection of stock and improving pasture
- Plan and plant tree fodder species, to provide high protein supplements and drought fodder for cattle, sheep, goats and alpacas
- Select tree crops that thrive in the Southern Tablelands conditions
- Increase your plant palette through clever design
- Use highly successful methods of tree establishment
- Implement small-scale earthworks for slowing and infiltrating overland flow for the benefit of valuable tree crops
- Create wetlands for landscape hydration and aquatic habitat
- Use low risk and human-scale approaches for erosion gully repair.
The course fee is $880 per person, or $660 per person for multiple attendees from a single family. The includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch and workshop notes.
For further information, or to register to attend, visit The Mulloon Institute website at: