GRain Maker grower workshop - Henty
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16 Feb 2012 - 9:00am
GAIA 2112 (a Forbes-based agronomy and fertiliser supply business) will be holding an informal agronomy meeting in Henty to drill down on best management fertility programs for the 2012 broad-acre planting season.
The free workshop will cover:
- The key drivers of gross margins in cropping
- How a well constructed program can make all the difference
- Root performanc and harvesting soil condition - Plant growth promoting rhyzobacter and mycorrhizal fungi
There will also be a special guest speaker, discussing his experience of farming in Africa.
There will be the opportunity to inspect some stubble digestion trials on the farm, and lunch will be provided.
All welcome, but bookings are essential for catering. For more information, or to book your place, contact Tom Redfern at GAIA:
- Mobile: 0439 516 426
- Ph: 68 516 427
- Email:
- Web: