NFF Agriculture Blueprint Forum - Wagga
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The National Farmers' Federation (NFF) are calling for input into the "Blueprint for Australian Agriculture". Their aim is for the Blueprint to bring together all with an interest in, or involvement with, agriculture to help shape its future direction. The Blueprint is an initiative of the NFF and Westpac, and their goal is for it to map out where we as an industry want to go and how we are going to get there.
The NFF are hosting a series of Blueprint Forums around the country, to allow interested people to discuss ideas and issues, hear from industry leaders, and share your vision for the future of the sector.
The NSW Forum will be held at Wagga Wagga on Wednesday 4th April, from 1.00 to 5.00 pm, at the Country Comfort Motel (Tarcutta Street, Wagga). To register to attend, complete the online form here, or call the NFF on: 62 695 666.
If you can't make it to the Forum, you can also have your say by completing the online survey. You'll need to allow around 30 minutes to complete the survey, but at the end you can see the current status of answers, which makes it quite interesting!