Funding for sustainable agriculture workshops/activities
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Murrumbidgee Landcare invites applications from community Landcare groups, land holder groups and other organisations for funding to support workshops, field days or other events and activities promoting Landcare and sustainable agricultural practices.
» Application form - sustainable agriculture funding
» Application form - sustainable agriculture funding
Activities to be funded include those that will:
- Enable the sharing of information on sustainable agricultural practices
- Help build a skilled and capable Landcare community
- Encourage community participation and engagement in Landcare.
- Reduce the spread of pest species
- Encourage the adoption of improved sustainable land management practices
Priority will be given to activities that focus on:
- integrated weed management
- stock management to retain/improve the quality of grazed native grasslands and improved native pasture systems
Who can apply?
- Landcare and land holder groups are encouraged to apply
- Farming systems, agriculture, industry and research organisations are welcome to apply if the activity proposed would not otherwise be funded by their current programs.
What can be funded?
- Workshop expenses including guest speakers, technical experts and consultant fees
- Catering, venue hire
- Promotion and publicity
- Educational materials for participants
- Events that contribute to a larger, existing project
- other expenses
What cannot be funded?
- Retrospective funding for past events or expenses already incurred.
- Activities that are a mandatory requirement for primary producers e.g accreditation for use of equipment / chemicals
Please discuss your project ideas with us before submitting an application.
- Karen Jamieson, Administrator, ph. 6933 1443 email:
To apply for funding, please complete the application form and return to the Murrumbidgee Landcare office:
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
PO Box 710,
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650