Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No.1 February 2011

- A new era - Regional Landcare Facilitators in the M'bidgee
- Maartin Stapper workshop - Ariah Park
- Regenerating Native Pasture workshop
- Stubble management workshop - Harden
- 2011 Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards
- 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
- Florabank Community Seed Collection Day - Wagga Wagga
- Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2011
- Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group meeting
- Gorgeous Gullies Field Day -Yass
- Is your group registered? - National Landcare Directory
- Community Action Grants
A new era - Regional Landcare Facilitators in the M'bidgee

Murrumbidgee Landcare (MLi) has appointed two new part-time Landcare Facilitators for the Murrumbidgee catchment. This has been made possible through the Australian Government's Regional Landcare Facilitator (RLF) Initiative, part of Caring for our Country.

About Regional Landcare Facilitators
Steering Committee
Our new RLFs
Roles and activities of RLFs
About Regional Landcare Facilitators
The Regional Landcare Facilitator Network across NSW promotes sustainable farm and land management practices, and contributes to and supports the uptake of sustainable practices and landscape scale conservation in rural and regional landscapes in a changing climate.
Maartin Stapper workshop - Ariah Park
Martin Stappper will be in Ariah Park on 18th Feb conducting a workshop with the Mirool Creek Landcare Group.
Meet at 9.00am at the Ariah Park Bowling Club.
Bring along a weed or stubble sample from two locations within a paddock - one a good site and one not.
Ian Sherwood
mob. 0427 741 055
Regenerating Native Pasture workshop
Communities in Landscapes and Stipa Native Grass Association will be hosting a FREE field day on Regenerating Native Pasture at Book Book from 10am to 3pm.
Please see flier for details.
Stubble management workshop - Harden
CANFA - Conservation and No-till Farming Association - has organised for Bill Crabtree, a Western Australian farmer who has specislised in stubble retention, to tour the region.
2011 Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards
Nominations for the 2011 Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards are now open and close at 5.00pm on Friday, 25 February, 2011. Landholders, schools and Landcare volunteers are invited to nominate to be recognised for their good work, and to inspire and motivate others.
The 2011 Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards, are held every two years, to recognise the achievements of the dedicated people who have committed their time to care for our environment and contribute to sustainable production.
Individuals or groups can nominate themselves or others.
5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
Incorporating 3rd Farming Systems Design Conference.
Australia, host for the 5th WCCA and 3rd FSD, welcomes scientists and practitioners to Brisbane to discuss current and future developments of sustainable agriculture next year.
The co-location of WCCA and FSD provides a great opportunity to explore the application of conservation agriculture practices and prin
Florabank Community Seed Collection Day - Wagga Wagga
The Communities in Landscapes project and Greening Australia's Florabank are holding a
community seed collection workshop
at Wagga Wagga on Wednesday March 30th, 2011, from 9am to 3pm. The workshop is for people interested in collecting native seed in Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands.
For more information contact Kimberley Beattie on: or 0457 953 777
Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2011
» Application Form
» Guidelines and Criteria
2011 Closing dates
- Friday 25th February
- Friday 13th May
- Friday 5th August
Since 2008 Coles has been providing School Garden Grants of up to $1,000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as bush tucker gardens, water wise gardens or veggie gardens.
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group meeting
All landcarers are invited to a meeting of the Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group.
Date: February 22nd
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Tarcutta RSL
Peter McCallum, Chair
Gorgeous Gullies Field Day -Yass
Gorgeous Gullies Field Day will be held on 27 Mar 2011, 8:30 - 17:00 at Goldenholm, 1236 Yass River Road and Nanima Gold, 111 Johnson Drive, Yass
- Is gully erosion a concern for you?
- Is too much of your soil surging into the river system?
- Is too much of your soil drying out too quickly and becoming lifeless?
You are invited to a Field Day to assess
Is your group registered? - National Landcare Directory
Your Landcare group is important to your community and to your local environment. It is also important in the bigger picture. This is the national story of the Landcare movement; of communities working together across Australia to improve the environment.
Community Action Grants
The next call for the Community Action Grants is expected to be released in April and will call for small projects worth between $5000 and $20,000.