Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No.3 May 2011

- The Long Conversations - climate knowledge exchange in Wagga Wagga
- Managing Native Vegetation in Travelling Stock Reserves
- Riverina Highlands Landcare Network - Regenerating Grasslands Field Day & AGM
- Healthy Water on Healthy Farms Workshop
- Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group Annual General Meeting
- FREE PlaceStories training workshops
- Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2011
- Caring for Our Country - Open call for funding
- Eco Schools Grants
- 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
- Schools Tree Day
- Landcare Week
- National Tree Day
- 2011 NSW Landcare Awards
- NSW Landcare Forum
- International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB)
The Long Conversations - climate knowledge exchange in Wagga Wagga
Murrumbidgee Landcare is pleased to host a "Long Conversation" about climate change. Please join us for this unique opportunity to discuss, debate, share and strategise with leading climate researchers about our climate future. Date: Wednesday 18th May 2011 Time: 1.00pm to 4.00pm Venue: Wagga BEC, 66 Coleman Street, Wagga Wagga. Cost: FREE
Managing Native Vegetation in Travelling Stock Reserves
REGISTRATION EXTENDED TO MONDAY MAY 9TH - DON'T MISS OUT! Are you working in or managing remnant vegetation? Would you like to know more about biodiversity conservation? Would you like to enhance your knowledge and skills? Then this workshop is for you!
Riverina Highlands Landcare Network - Regenerating Grasslands Field Day & AGM
The Riverina Highlands Landcare Network is holding its Annual General Meeting in conjunction with a Regenerating Grasslands field day, on the 26th of May.
Guest speaker for the event is Graeme Hand, who has worked as an industrial chemist, international marketer, meat industry consultant as well as farm consultant to many family and corporate farmers.
Graeme has a speci
Healthy Water on Healthy Farms Workshop
Communities in Landscapes presents:
How to Improve Water Quality on your Farm - benefits for production and conservation.
Presented by Alison Elvin and David Hunter
This workshop provides on-ground, cost-effective strategies you can use to obtain maximum water quality & biodiversity from your dams, creeks & wetlands in every season. By improving your water quality, you improve your stock health, spend less on drenches, increase your productivity, provide essential habitat for aquatic life, & contribute to a healthy landscape.
Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group Annual General Meeting
Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group will be holding our Annual General Meeting this Wednesday 11th May from 7.30pm at the Ladysmith Hall.
FREE PlaceStories training workshops
Landcare NSWand Communities in Landscapes are offering a series of FREE one-day training workshops using PlaceStories software. PlaceStories are short, personal, multi-media productions that you make yourself, combining digital camera images, audio tracks and text, which may then be uploaded to a dedicated website and located on a Google map, thus allowing you to share your stories with the world.
Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2011
» Application Form » Guidelines and Criteria 2011 Closing dates
- Friday 25th February
- Friday 13th May
- Friday 5th August
Since 2008 Coles has been providing School Garden Grants of up to $1,000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as bush tucker gardens, water wise gardens or veggie gardens.
Caring for Our Country - Open call for funding
The Caring for Our Country 2011-12 Business Plan has just been released, with applications for the Open Call funding now open. Applications will close on 30 May 2011.
Eco Schools Grants
The Environmental Trust is calling for applications to the Eco Schools Program.
Aim of the program
This program provides grants to schools to give them the opportunity to involve their students and community in developing and implementing environmental management projects.
The overall objective of the Eco Schools Program is to support schools to develop best practice in environmental education and innovative solutions to environmental issues.
5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
Incorporating 3rd Farming Systems Design Conference. Brisbane. Australia, host for the 5th WCCA and 3rd FSD, welcomes scientists and practitioners to Brisbane to discuss current and future developments of sustainable agriculture next year. The co-location of WCCA and FSD provides a great opportunity to explore the application of conservation agriculture practices and prin
Schools Tree Day
Now entering its 16th year, Planet Ark’s National Tree Day is firmly cemented as one of the nation’s largest community environmental events. National Tree Day provides an avenue for communities and groups to showcase the work that they do, help foster a community understanding of the needs of the local environment and to engage them in the care and protection of these surroundings. This year National Tree Day will be held on Sunday July 31st and Schools Tree Day on Friday July 29th – however you may register a site or activity on any day that suits you.
National Tree Day
Now entering its 16th year, Planet Ark’s National Tree Day is firmly cemented as one of the nation’s largest community environmental events.
2011 NSW Landcare Awards
Nominations are now open for the 2011 NSW Landcare Awards.
Celebrate the work of people in your community who make a positive difference to our local environment!
Do you know an individual or group in your community who makes a positive difference to the environment?
NSW Landcare Forum
Head to Parkes for the 2011 NSW Landcare and Catchment Management Forum and the NSW Landcare Awards. Parkes and Districts Landcare will host the 2011 NSW Landcare & Catchment Management Forum in Parkes from the 5-7 September 2011.