Murrumbidgee Landcare

Streambank Erosion Mitigation Workshop
Hear about different methods for reducing stream bank erosion on your property, from engineering solutions to low-cost options. Learn more about the erosion process and dicsuss your erosion issues with the experts.
Tarcutta RSL
Grass Identification Workshops - Yanco
ABARES Bega Regional Outlook Conference
Landcare 'Community Call for Action' Released
UPDATE: The documents are now available for download below.
The “Community Call for Action” which builds on the “Australian Framework for Landcare”, has been released.
Humour break - I'm Farming and I Grow it
If you're looking for a quick pick-me-up or a break from work, check out this humorous Youtube music video by a group of young farmers from the US - I'm Farming and I Grow It. It's sure to put a smile on your face!
Vote for Australia’s favourite environmental hero!
Taking place in Sydney during Landcare Week, the 2012 National Landcare Awards celebrate the passion and diversity of Landcare, a grass-roots movement of farmers and community volunteers who protect and restore Australia’s land and coast.
Biological Farmers of Australia - Roadshow in Albury & Bungendore
The charismatic and knowledgeable US farmer, soil health expert and author Gary Zimmer will be in Australia next week to present at the Biological Farmers of Australia’s (BFA) annual roadshow on how to farm more productively and profitably.
Volunteer Grants 2012
Volunteer Grants 2012
Volunteer Grants 2012 recognises the valuable work of Australia’s volunteers. This initiative forms part of the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to organisations whose volunteers assist disadvantaged communities and encourage inclusion of vulnerable people in community life.
National Tree Day - Wagga Wagga
Wagga Wagga City Council and Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare is hosting a National Tree Day activity at a parcel of land on Oura Rd (next door to Camp Kurrajong). This location has been selected because in the past it has been used as a racing track and we would like to rehabilitate the degraded land.
Conservation Farming Workshop
Scholarships available for rural people
Landholder survey on landscape connectivity
The Country Web - Women Crossing Boundaries
The Number 57 edition of The Country Web has the theme 'Women crossing boundaries' and is available now.
Grants to Voluntary Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations
The Changing Face of Landcaring
Jewels in the landscape: managing significant native vegetation remnants - Moree
This two day workshop, run by the Australian Network for Plant Conservation, will provide participants with the skills required to plan, implement and monitor a project to manage and restore grassy woodland remnants.
Plant identification for grassy ecosystems - Deniliquin
Jewels in the landscape: managing significant native vegetation remnants - Scone, NSW
ANPC 9th National Conference
The Australian Network for Plant Conservation (ANPC) 9th National Conference Plant Conservation in Australia: Achievements and Future Directions will held in Canberra, from 29th October to 2nd November 2012.
Lachlan Fold Wildlife Action Group meeting
The Lachlan Fold Wildlife Action Group will be meeting at 2pm Monday August 20th at the Conapaira Hotel (Rankins Springs pub).
Guest Speaker: Matt Cameron will be speaking about his Glossy Black Cockatoo research.
iPhone and iPad apps for Australian agriculture
NSW DPI have compiled a list of useful iPhone and iPad apps for Australian agriculture. The list is available to download below. For more information visit
Crops, Rumps and Wooly Jumpers: Working Together
New option for control of Windmill Grass
2012 Science Forum - Forbes
Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Grants
The NSW Environmental Trust is calling for applications to the Restoration and Rehabilitation program.
Applications close on 31 August 2012.
The aim of the Restoration and Rehabilitation program is to facilitate projects to prevent or reduce pollution, the waste stream or environmental degradation of any kind, run by community organisations and State and Local government organisations. Through these projects, the Trust also aims to improve the capacity of communities and organisations to protect, restore and enhance the environment.
2012 NSW Landcare Group Survey
The NSW Department of Primary Industries is responsible for administrating the NSW Landcare Support Program and is responsible for providing information on the Landcare movement to the NSW government. They are conducting a survey of NSW Landcare groups.
Herbicide Resistance Crop Drives
NSW DPI and Dr Chris Preston from Adelaide University invite you to join them on a crop drive across the region focussing on managing herbicide resistance. The drive will also look at other topical issues around the region such as nutrition, disease management,varieties and more.
Australian Farmer of the Year Awards - Nominations close soon!
The Australian Farmer of the Year Awards celebrate the highly professional, innovative and sustainable approach of our farmers, showcasing their passion and raising the profile of the important role they play in Australia.
Grains Research Update - Griffith NSW
GRDC Grains Research Update
9am - 1pm
Wednesday August 1st
Griffith Ex-Servicemen's Club
Lunch provided
Registration: $44
See attachment for more information
WANTED: Feral Photos
Conservation Tillage Refundable Tax Offset
From 1 July 2012, a 15% refundable tax offset (RTO) is available on the purchase of new conservation seeding equipment.
The Paddock Providore - 100 Mile Dinner
The Paddock Providore 100 Mile Dinner is being held to celebrate the Year of the Farmer and to showcase the fantastic local produce in this wonderful food producing region.
CRAVE Riverina Food Festival Meeting - Coleambally

Sutton Landcare meeting
The Environmental history of Locust and Grasshopper Outbreaks
The next meeting of Sutton Landcare is on Tuesday 14 August at 7.30 pm at Sutton school.
NSW & ACT Twitchathon 2012
DPI Weed Training Calendar
Downloadable below is the latest version of NSW DPI's Weeds Training Calendar which now includes dates for the Vertebrate Pest Management Course, Weed Movement, Machinery Inspection and Cleaning and the SMARTtrain AQF V Chemical Application courses.
Gungoandra Gap Field Day
Post rehabilitation field day
- soil stabilisation
- vegetation ID (walkabout with Lauren van Dyke from K2C)
- returning bird life
Afternoon tea available